Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Every epic has a beginning...

But so do random ramblings that have no business being called epics by any stretch of the imagination. No prizes for guessing which category this one falls into, eh?

...No, I do not have a self-esteem problem. Leave me alone. In my dark, dark corner where no one can see me. Shoo.

Anyway, I must confess that I have always (and still do, to a certain extent) held that blogging is done by people with waaaaaaay too much time on their hands. I mean, seriously now... Does the world really need to know where I had lunch or what I think about this or that particular person who managed to get their names or faces in the paper or on TV? Or what kind of weirdos I meet on the bus/train?

I suppose I have to keep an open mind now... Since I'll be blogging and reading other people's blogs, and Kevin's opening lecture DID have a few rather salient points. Guess it's fun to have a little soapbox to call your own sometimes. And there's a few benefits to blogging after all.

About me (this'll be short, I promise)... Just got out of NS, currently working part-time as a magician's assistant (check out www.jeremypei.com... not that you'll see my face there, but that's my boss), and I game. A lot. PC, PS2, PSP... No online stuff, unfortunately... That's what happens when you're stuck on 512k broadband. And you can't afford the monthly fee for World of Warcraft.

So yeah, that's it for a first post... Feel free to read and feedback. Cheerio, all.

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