Above is a picture of a Mercedes parked near my block at Ang Mo Kio Ave 4, taken on Christmas eve last year. As you can see it is quite, quite illegally parked. For starters, it's parked in what is very obviously a No Parking zone, and on top of that, is parked on a slope. A slope.
There is actually a blog that collects and documents photos of people parking stupidly, and can be found at http://parkingidiots.blogspot.com. This, of course, is also a form of citizen journalism and/or sousveillance of a sort. What parkingidiots does is put these pictures, which are contributed by the general public, on the internet, and at one point actually printed flyers that looked something like this

for you to stick on should you come across such a parking idiot. This is an example of personal sousveillance, as mentioned on wikipedia. (Inverse surveillance as a branch of the more general study of sousveillance, Sousveillance, n.d.) These photos are taken by people who could be waiting for a parking lot, only to encounter people who park like, well, idiots.
I actually submitted the above photo to parkingidiots, but have yet to receive a reply or see my photo on it at press time.
Sousveillance, n.d. Retrieved from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia at 15:45, Mar 10th 2007 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sousveillance
OHO sweet! And do you notice all these parking idiots have all the Mercs beemers, Jags, Lexuses etc. Elite uncaring face indeed. -.-
hey, renhao, want to know why it's always those expensive cars? It because they live on landed and private property. They don't park at public carparks, so they're not really aware of all these rules.. at the property, they just park anywhere and anyhow they want... no one really cares...(i think i'm stereotyping)...
Not really aware of these rules? hahaha! They take private driving lessons at home is it? and then go and bribe the government to give them license without any exams? lol! XD NO offence but I think that would actually make an extremely lame excuse, making things more unforgivable. -_-"
And hello Ximin, perhaps you should've printed out a piece of that flyer and attach it onto the windscreen of the car so the owner will get to see it. Hahaha! :p But while doing it make sure you dun get video-ed yourself (although seeing a video on another blog writing about you doing that would be quite funny, if it's done by a fren of yours. That'd be something like Punk'd) hahaha! :D
Nice Liyana. Wonder why I never made that connection. These people park what lot? Happy happy just gostan-masok into their driveway. Probably explains the slope lol. Although I agree with Hans its not a question of unawareness. Anyway we all know ignorance is no excuse. The law can be a friend or an arse with that statement.
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